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A New Heart (Poem)

My struggle to endure in the Lord’s labour,

rewards when good soil produces favour.

And the barriers in my mind,

tumble when His doors open in kind.

But the ignorance of seed among thorns

leave me scarred as rejection scorns.

And as my heart bleeds for the unfaithful blind

I pray the Unchangeable, they may find.

Who doubts His ways and who suffers unbelief?

Who worships the world and who walks in the flesh?

Let it not be me, Abba Father, let it not be me.

My eyes are on the One who knows my plight

while grasping the hem of His garment with might.

So my desires may not focus on the flesh,

and I be filled with faith through grace, afresh.

I follow the Heavenly General who leads His elect,

across a vast battlefield to gather the neglect.

To resist becoming the Tempter’s condemned

and undeservedly escape an eternal end.

Who doubts the calling and who bows to fear?

Who is trapped by sin and who stumbles in the dark?

Let it not be me, Abba Father, let it not be me.

Look to the Lord when oppressed by friend and foe

even when stones tearing at brittle bone, you know.

Seek to be enlightened with Stephen’s vision

and embrace that dying to self is the mission.

Because even the faithful feel useless

when lack of grace leaves you fruitless.

But in this unbearably powerless state,

boldly proclaim His name and patiently wait.

Who refuses surrender and who is complacent?

Who forgot His Word and who is too broken to praise?

Let it not be me, Abba Father, let it not be me.

And when in the battle He rises as your Shield

find comfort in knowing all His enemies yield.

He is the Anchor, so you won’t stumble and fall

when heeding to His omnipotent call.

For He diligently purifies the wicked heart,

so lost sinners may have an undue start.

Therefore, fearlessly dress in His armour

to resist the lies of the most cunning Charmer.

Who admits defeat and who drowns in despair?

Who rejects suffering and who refuses sacrifice?

Let it not be me, Abba Father, let it not be me.

Beware of the devious defilement of doubt,

and patiently wait for His seed to sprout.

So the journey may remain a blessing,

if your trust in Him, you keep confessing.

Claiming authority over that which is overcome

by faith then, daily, the darkness will succumb.

Therefore, suffering is an opportunity to turn

and mercifully escape the eternal burn.

Who finds the cross too heavy and who compromises?

Who deserves grace and who is without sin?

Not me, Abba Father, not me.

Oh, that I may have a heart beating belief

so I can faithfully resist the Thief.

That I may have a heart pumping purity

so I can attain spiritual maturity.

That I may have a heart glowing with meekness

so I can overcome pride’s weakness.

That I may have a heart speaking peace

so I can have all the anxiety cease.

That I may have a heart revealing gratitude

so I can have my mind renewed.

Oh, that I may have a heart bleeding charity

so I can testify to eternal prosperity.

And a miserable past turned into something new

so I may live in the present wholly devoted to You.

May this be me, Abba Father, may this be me.

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