The Dateless Past (Poem)
The cherubs by His throne, received the revelations first,
but Lucifer, created in musical magnificence, did thirst,
after glory and the dominion given unto man.
And so he led the revolt against Yahweh’s plan.
In the splendour of his beauty, he was corrupted by vanity,
and after heavenly rejection, focus his hatred on humanity.
Desiring in the dateless past to seize the Creator's throne,
but barred from his position; the mutiny was overthrown.
The earth was void, formless and darkness reigned in the deep,
light was forbidden to shine; waiting for living words to leap.
So harmony and order could be restored by His spoken might,
and admiration for His universe be declared from every height.
Day one He ordered the division seperating darkness from light,
and in day two the firmament dividing the waters, made right.
Day three saw habitats and in four the solar system regulated;
remaining subjected to laws of creation; functioning unabated.
Day five, fishes and birds were commanded forth from the earth,
and waters flowed abundantly on which all life depends to give birth.
Day six, He completed the task with animals and the crown of creation;
making man in His image and giving him dominion through allocation.
Then He sanctified and blessed the seventh day, and from labour rested;
contently gazing on the work of His hands and to perfection attested.
But man was deceived to sin and death became the vicious curse,
waiting for that day, like a thief, His eternal peace will immerse.