Holy Names (Poem)
Father God, we boldly proclaim and declare Your names with gratitude,
embracing the Righteous Judge who shields us from fleshly solitude.
Therefore, receive these words we are declaring in boldness,
and bestow grace so they may echo even unto the soulless.
El, for You are strength, power and might.
El Echad, the One God and only Light.
El Hanne`eman, the Faithful God, who nourishes and supports.
El Emet, the God of truth, always faithful and reliable.
El Tsaddik, the Righteous God, who remains just.
El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient God, who provides.
El Elyon, the Most-High God, who is sovereign and supreme.
El Olam, the Everlasting God, of time and the universe.
El Roi, the All-Seeing God, to whom nothing remains hidden.
El Yeshurun, the God of the righteous people and higher calling.
El Gibbor, the Mighty and Strong God, a Warrior and Champion.
El De`ot, the God of knowledge of all things from beginning to end.
El Haggadoi, the Great God, who is awesome beyond comprehension.
El Hakkavod, the God of glory and of honour.
El Hakkadosh, the Holy God, who is set apart and unique.
El Hashamayim, the only God of the Heavens.
El Chaiyai, the God of my life.
El-Channun, the Gracious God.
El Yisrael, the God of Israel.
El Sali, the God of my strength and my Rock.
El Rachum, the God of compassion.
El malei Rachamim, the All-Merciful God.
El Yeshuati, the God of my salvation, deliverance and victory.
El Yeshuatenu, the God of our salvation, deliverance and victory.
El-Kanno, the Jealous God, who watches over us closely and lovingly.
El Hannora, the Awesome God.
Jehovah Nissi, the Lord my Banner.
Jehovah-Raah, the Lord my Shepherd.
Jehovah Rapha, the Lord that heals.
Jehovah Shammah, the Lord who is always there.
Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness.
Jehovah Mekoddishkem, the Lord who sanctifies us.
Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider.
Jehovah Shalom, the Lord is peace.
Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts.
Immanuel, God is with us.
Adonai, our Lord and Master.
Praise be to the Creator of the universe,
creating a world unimaginably diverse.
He delivered His Only Son in that day,
so we as the hopelessly lost, could find our way.
You are YHVH, and You are worthy of eternal praise.
Therefore, we shall serve and worship Your name, always.
Yeshua HaMashiach, Your innocence was recklessly spilled at Calvary,
and You were tortured and crucified for the sake of their religious rivalry.
So, that the wicked and the sinful lost may have a chance at redemption,
and have an expectation of eternal life through Your prophesied ascension.
Let us therefore, sing Your praises and proclaim Your holy name,
and in the face of great adversity, remain standing without shame.
In faith we lay down our lives as a living sacrifice, purified by Your blood,
and profess our devotion to One who’s love comes in like the flood.
For You are known throughout the universe as the Almighty One;
the Alpha and Omega and our Advocate;
the Anointed One and Author of our faith;
our Apostle and the Horn of Salvation;
the Beloved Son and the Lord Most-High;
the Bridegroom and the Bread of Life;
the Carpenter and Chief Cornerstone;
the Everlasting Messiah and Good Shepherd;
our True and Faithful Deliverer and High Priest.
You are Immanuel, and the Righteous Judge;
the King of kings and Lord of lords;
the Mighty One and our Mediator.
You are the Lord of all and the Lion of Judah;
our Hope and our Redeemer,
the risen Lord and the Prophet of Peace;
the Counsellor and Saviour;
You are the Light of the World and the only Door.
You are the Head of the Church and the Good Teacher;
the Way, the Truth and the Life;
the True Vine and Victorious One.
You are Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God;
and the Son of Man;
You are the Word eternally, for You are Mighty God.
Behold the enduring Friend who shows us the way when we’re lost;
the alluring Spirit that fights for our salvation, at whatever cost.
The assuring Comforter, providing a life in spiritual abundance,
who convicts us of His presence, despite our sinful reluctance.
He is Ruach Ha-Kodesh, and He even reaches out to the lost,
faithfully guiding and leading a wicked world, since Pentecost.
We praise and worship You as the Eternal, Free and Good Spirit;
the Holy Spirit.
You are Ruach Olam and we show our love, devotion, and gratitude by acknowledging You as:
The Spirit of the Lord and the Spirit of God.
The Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of the Son.
The Spirit of life and the Spirit of grace.
The Spirit of adoption and the Spirit of prophecy.
The Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of counsel.
The Spirit of might and the Spirit of understanding.
The Spirit of knowledge and the Spirit of truth.
The Spirit of holiness and the Spirit of revelation.
The Spirit of judgment and the Spirit of burning.
The Spirit of glory and the Spirit of faith.
The Spirit of power and the Spirit of strength.
You are the breath of the Almighty, blowing life over death and destruction,
so that we as sinners may stand triumphantly over the master of seduction.
But above all, remain the willing Spirit who ceaselessly intercede,
that we may stay in the will and ways of the Father, we humbly plead.