Caves Of Comfort
What is easy-Christianity and why is it so prevalent in society today?
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
These verses from Scripture do not refer to a comfort secured from material prosperity. It refers to a spiritual assurance transcending human capability and is only attainable through the Holy Spirit's indwelling in the surrendered child of God. The passion reflecting the devotion and gratitude of many believers is sometimes subject to their earthly comforts and this stumbling block also reveals the strength and purity of their faith at any given moment.
The god of this world as described in 2 Corinthians 4:4 relentlessly ensures that we are tempted by a need for wealth (comfort), significance (importance) and power (authority). His strategy is to keep a fearful and fallen world in the bondage of fleeting desires and if you are unable or unwilling to deposit all your trust in the Lord and deny yourself, your fleshly desires will overcome you. Because for your light to penetrate and overcome the darkness, it needs to generate from your absolute selflessness and trust in the Lord. Never the world. This statement affirms that a Sovereign Creator allows events for His own purposes. The heart of the Father is to see His children wholeheartedly following Him and that they acknowledge Him as their sole provider and first love. Yet, so many believers, let alone unbelievers, do not comprehend that everything in existence is from, through and to Almighty God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen."
Romans 11:36
The Adversary's strategy is not just to increase your dependence on the world but also to taint your trust in the Lord by doing so. He wants to take your eyes of the Lord by corrupting your mind with the things of the world. The Enemy knows the faith of the weak depends on a stable and comfortable environment. This means the weak in faith have predetermined conditions that need to be adhered to for them to endure. Most of the time they are not even aware they have conditions and this reality is evidence of the the massive illusion existing with multitudes concerning their relationship with Christ.
In Psalm 73 you will read about the Levite, Asaph. While serving in the Lord's Temple he had great difficulty in understanding the severe afflictions he was exposed to. He is doing all this wonderful work in the name of the Lord and yet he is suffering. But his biggest concern wasn't his own tribulations, but rather, the wicked who prosper despite their wayward ways. In verses 13-16 he even hints that there is no advantage in serving God and this happened because he took his eyes of the Lord and looked at men. To live a holy life in the face of the material prosperity and pleasure of the worldly takes immense sacrifice and effort as the temptation to consider that living such a life is not profitable may linger. This Psalm also warns that your envy of the prosperous and your murmuring against the various circumstances in your life, will eventually lead to unfaithfulness. Nothing makes the ignorant mouth complain like discontentment.
"But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content."
1 Timothy 6: 6 - 8
When, by grace, the psalmist moved into the Lord's sanctuary, his trust in the Lord was restored. He comes to realise his murmurings go against the testimony of many generations of believers who have for ages testified that the Lord always delivers His own. He also discerns that their trust in the Lord was of such a nature, they were never confounded, always trusting in Him to deliver them from all trials and tribulations. In the end your source of joy needs to be in Christ alone and not the world and whatever it has to offer. The moment Asaph grasped this, his joy was fully restored even in the face of suffering.
The Abundant Life
Material prosperity is not a purpose in creation and is not a blessing if Christ is replaced as the number one in that life.. Also, where Scripture refers to the word "prosper" as in Philippians 4:19, the understanding should be that the Lord is more concerned about your spiritual needs than your material desires. Even though you know you can trust Him to provide for all your daily needs. But you need to remember the Lord's idea of daily needs may differ from yours. Therefore, you need to ask according to His will and not yours. True Christians have faith the Lord's ways are perfect even though they might not understand it. They accept they are not always called to understand the Lord's ways but are always called to trust Him. Regardless of the circumstances
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28
The abundant life Jesus promises in John 10:10 does not refer to the abundance of material things. It refers to the eternal life commencing the moment you come to Christ and receive Him as your Saviour. The numerous teachings of Jesus also teach the one thing Christians can be sure of is spiritual abundance. It is important to remember, Jesus never pursued earthly riches but instead declared in Matthew 8:20 that even the Son of Man had nowhere to lay his head. Surely if earthly riches held a divine significance, the Lord Jesus would have pursued such? Instead Psalm 73 makes the ultimate end of those who walk in the flesh, very clear. This is not to say money has no importance, it is to say it is not all-important. Unfortunately most people only realise how dependent they are on money the moment the Lord takes it away.
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
Hebrews 13:5
The Comfortable Life
The desire to walk in the flesh is heightened by the continuous comfort the flesh seeks. And although the gratification may be instant, the price may be eternal. Your inherent dependence on material comfort due to your sinful nature is illustrated by the parable of the rich young ruler in Matthew 19. In this parable Jesus is not trying to portray that salvation is through works by keeping the commandments. Believers know salvation is by grace through faith as declared in Ephesians 2:8-9. Rather, He is illustrating the detrimental effect your dependence on the things of the world (comfort and significance) may have on your eternal position.
The young rulers' religious belief in abiding in good works, convinced him of his own faultlessness. But when Jesus tested him according to God's standard of holiness, he was unwilling and unable to comply. Despite his clear obedience to the law, he was not willing to follow Jesus and sacrifice his earthly comforts. The parable illustrates his inability to love the Lord more than his own wealth and possessions. Despite his conviction that he was serving the Lord, in reality, his earthly possessions providing his comfort, became his idol. How many multitudes of followers today can relate to this parable and how many believers are bowing to other masters while also "serving" the Lord?
"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other."
Matthew 6:24
The scripture above refers to all those things you put before the Lord in importance. With that being said, this parable is not indicative of the necessity to sell all possessions and to disperse the proceeds between the needy. However, it does suggest that such an act is noble if it is done in faith with the right motivation and conviction. The importance is in your true intent as the issue is always the heart. You might fool the world and those around you concerning your heartfelt intentions and commitment to the Lord, but you will never fool God. He knows what your priorities are and where he fits into your life. Even before you attempt to give it scrutiny.
"Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure."
Psalm 147:5
The rich young ruler in Matthew 19 could not surrender because he fell victim to comfort-Christianity. This is an easy-Christianity where you do not fully submit to the Holy Spirit and therefore still heed to the flesh. The things of this world have a stronghold on comfort-Christians and this is the reason they live for themselves. They do not want to leave the "broad road" referred to in Matthew 7:13 with all its allurements because that way is both easy and comfortable and does not require any significant sacrifice.
Comfort-Christians will rather change their belief system and the nature of God's grace to justify their lifestyle, needs and comforts. They may even re-interpret Scripture to convince themselves and others of their conduct and convictions. And eventually they become detached to sound doctrine and convictions because they weren't able to stay obedient to the Word.
Comfort-Christians presume blessings based on their goodness and not only by grace. They suppose they earned their blessings and lose sight that the enemy is a tool in the hands of the Almighty. That he is called by the Lord to deceive those from which sound convictions depart. And because they were not willing to trust in the Lord to take the leap of faith, they miss the best the Lord planned for them. Comfort-Christians fail to understand that faith which is not functional and able to overcome is indeed worthless. To be convinced of God's existence does not comprise overcoming faith and talking the talk doesn't mean you can also walk the walk.
"Because this people draw near with their mouth and honour Me with their lips, while their hearts are far from Me, and their fear of Me is a commandment taught by men, therefore, behold, I will again do wonderful things with this people, with wonder upon wonder; and the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the discernment of their discerning men shall be hidden."
Isaiah 29:13-14
Howbeit that multitudes do not comprehend the value of their actions in the here and now in relation to their eternal positions? This is the reason Scripture puts so much emphasis on the difficulty the wealthy will experience to attain eternal salvation. Their privileged circumstances may cause them never to experience a situation where they have a need and submit to the Saviour, let alone cry out to Him daily. Indeed, it is far easier to embrace God during severe suffering than in abundant material prosperity. And the more abundant your material prosperity, the more difficult it becomes to put the Lord first. Also, the less you foresee that you need a Saviour, the more you rely on the power of self and the world around you. Jesus did not say in Matthew 19:24 that it is difficult for the camel to pass through the eye of the needle, he said it is impossible. Fortunately, with God nothing is impossible.
Many of the wealthy conclude the solution to problems is by accumulating even more riches. It is usually also their most important ambition in life. But with earthly riches comes significance, power, comfort, envy and all the other sensations inspired by the god of this world. They find it unnecessary and foolish to turn to God in times of adversity since they believe in solving their problems in the world. They have difficulty turning to the Lord in absolute trust and will rather put their trust in their own resourcefulness. This is because they are satisfied that everything they accomplish is through their own capabilities.
"As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life."
1 Timothy 6:17-19
Many of the rich are unwilling to share their wealth to lighten the burden on the poor. They are reluctant to give because they will then have less en believe the poor deserve their circumstances because they brought it upon themselves. They are oblivious to the fact that they are only stewards, since everything belongs to the Lord. And because they reason their accumulated wealth is due to their own greatness, a lack of gratitude makes them tight-fisted. And even though their prudence certainly contributed to their success, their vanity and pride persuades them to take all the glory.
They have difficulty to show thankfulness in their circumstances because how is one appreciative of self-achievement? Their total disregard and ignorance concerning the ways of the Lord gives them a mentality of each man for himself and this self-centeredness blinds them spiritually. Unable to perceive or comprehend God's true plan and purpose for their lives. But if you accept Christ and surrender your life to Him, you will be tested regardless of your material privilege or poverty. The question is not if you will be tested, but rather when.
"But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ."
2 Corinthians 11:3
Many of the rich or prosperous who appear saved on the surface, live in an illusion. Since little or none of the qualities identifying true conversion is ever visible. Qualities such as: is there a continuous and asserted effort to turn from all sin? Is there a significant change in their attitude and behaviour? Is a love for their fellow man tangible? Are they dedicated to good works for the benefit of all or do they do good only to be seen and receive honour? Do they have a need and urge to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and thus fulfill His commission? Are they willing to provide help and support regardless if it is to their own financial detriment or do they only offer help if the financial and emotional effect remains fairly undetectable in their own lives?
More importantly, are they willing to part with their earthly riches and comfort and follow Jesus unconditionally? Even if only in the heart. Meaning, are they absolutely willing to deny self? The question is not whether they should, but rather, if they would. It is disturbing to know an easy-Christianity has infiltrated the world creating a god in the minds of mankind accepting all the various kinds of "Christian" living.
Man is unwilling to change his ways, so he changes God's expectations. And in this man-created belief in "hyper-grace" true Christianity is viciously distorted. The American author and pastor, John Piper, once said that money is dangerous because if you have it and depend on it, it will kill you. He further stated that if you don't have it but crave it, it will also kill you. Money has the ability to damn us because it reveals the heart.
"They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work."
Titus 1:16
Sacrificing Idols
For Christ's endless potential to manifest in your life, you need to submit by putting Him first. And what better way to show your obedience than to sacrifice all the earthly things you hold dear in order for Jesus to take prime position? Spiritually sacrificing the things of the world because the Lord knows the depths and nature of your heart.
The question is not whether you literally sell or distribute your earthly possessions but rather whether you are prepared to do so. And whether you truly seek to glorify God when contemplating the thought. It is not whether your material wealth is a blessing from the Lord. It is whether you are still willing to part with your wealth in your pursuit to attain a heart devoted to the Lord Jesus. It is not about expectations, it is about willingness. Sincere and heartfelt gratitude is not possible without unconditional willingness.
Idols are all those things which receive preference in your daily life above the Lord and idolatry is seeking security and meaning in someone or something above the Lord. If you are honest with yourself and admit, like the young wealthy ruler, you are unable to make the sacrifice, you must know the Lord Jesus is not the number one priority in your life. Also know, that even though you might be in denial concerning this reality, the truth pertaining to the matters in your heart have long been known by the Lord.
There are multitudes self - proclaimed believers who are not willing to part with their material possessions and earthly idols who still believe they serve Christ wholeheartedly. And this could be an indication they are serving Him as an ignorant way and means to ensure and maintain their various lifestyles. How many believers tithe because they actually believe their giving ensures material blessings? Who give so that they can receive and who uses Malachi 3:10 as the justification for this absurd beliefconvictions.
"If you want to follow Jesus because He will give you a better life, that’s idolatry. Follow Christ for the sake of Christ. He is worthy."
- Paul Washer
“For what is idolatry if not this: to worship the gifts in place of the Giver himself?”
- John Calvin
"We make a god out of whatever we find most joy in. So, find your joy in God and be done with all idolatry."
- John Piper
Caves Of Comfort
Dependence on the world isolates you from the Lord and make you take shelter in what I like to call, "caves of comfort". Spiritual absenteeism is the cause for failing to see that these caves are dark, gloomy, cold and void of the warmth of Christ. Because you grow accustomed to being without the illumination provided when the Lord is the most important part of your life. And the supposed comfort surrounding you in these caves are because of your ignorance and fear of the outside. The "outside" being a realm separated from the things of this world and consecrated to Christ.
The carnally inclined take refuge in the comforts of these caves everywhere in the world and remain in bondage as opposed to taking that leap of faith by trusting Christ. And those who refuse to leap into the light, do so because they rely on their own power and are weary of the personal sacrifice. The sacrifice and self - denial birthed by accepting and surrendering to Christ.
"And he said to all, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it."
Luke 9:223-24
The Enemy portrays a picture of relentless ridicule, calamity, oppression and downright suffering through destruction for all cave-dwellers concerning the outside. And before these cave-dwellers even consider taking the leap of faith, they crumble under the burden of accepted lies. But what they do not know is that the Lord promises He will never leave His children nor forsake them (Heb 13:5). He will never test them above their means (1 Cor 10:13). They can endure anything through Christ who strengthens them (Phil 4:13). And the Lord will always finish the good work he started in them (Phil 1:6). But this knowledge is only attainable through the Word of God and that is why he will do everything in his power to prevent them from maturing in the Word. Also, these scriptures are worthless if you do not wholeheartedly believe each and every word.
"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
John 8:44
In this Scripture Jesus rebukes the hypocritical and religious Pharisees. Like many today, their trust in the importance and proficiency of their own goodness convinced them they earned merit before God. But real spiritual maturity stands at the opposite end of religious rules and regulations. It is a fallacy that God loves you, or accepts you, in proportion to your perceived goodness. God holds you to His standard of holiness and not yours.
"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
James 1:26-27
What's frustrating is that the multitudes inside these caves of comfort are oblivious that their true purpose and calling waits to be revealed on the outside. And through overwhelming ignorance their voices will continue to echo in the darkness, unaware that the renewal of the mind determines spiritual dominance. The cave-dwellers are force-fed by fear, greed and pride, so much so, their spiritual obesity renders them incapable of moving in boldness. And by not applying their spiritual senses, it becomes obsolete and results in spiritual deafness and blindness. Once you become this vulnerable, you may end up where the Enemy planned because the courage to bear forward in the name of Christ, will escape you. Consumed by fear and in a state of spiritual paralysis.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Romans 12:2
The Enemy attempts to intimidate the Lord’s children in such a way they succumb to hopelessness, anxiety and doubt. Despite 1 Peter 5:7 reminding every reader they need to cast their anxieties unto Him because He cares. Anxiety, doubt and fear will cause you to become unwilling to endure with the holy commission. Not to mention the need to gain persistence to walk in your own sanctification. On the other end there are those who are certain, despite their idleness, they are doing more than required. They believe God’s grace will save them, regardless. But this misconception of the true nature of God's grace brought about by licence will prove very damning on the day of the Lord.
The church today is still burdened with licence on the one hand and legalism on the other. If not more so than in the past. Licence occurs when you presume your freedom in Christ and His infinite grace allows you to ignore divine laws. Legalism, on the other hand, is the belief salvation is earned through works. It is imperative believers execute their right and decide whether they will bear His cross daily. Because it is the heart of the Saviour that you are under no illusion that the weight of His cross is a heavy burden to bear. However, it is made bearable by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
"For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?"
Luke 14:28
"So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple."
Luke 14:33
It is important to keep in mind that when Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light in Matthew 11:30, He is not referring to physical burdens. He is actually referring to the burdens brought about by a system of works. His yoke is easy and His burden is light because it is rooted in repentance and faith by grace. It is far easier to live by faith than it is to try and make yourself acceptable to God through works. In fact, it is impossible. Find comfort in knowing the closer you move to His heart, the easier it becomes to overcome through the blood of the Lamb.
Three Important Truths
There are three important truths that need reflection if you are to embrace the Light on the outside in favour of the darkness on the inside of the caves of comfort:
Firstly, sincere love establishes your approach as it is the essence of God. Without it, there is no hope or any chance of victory. Because without love you are not deemed worthy of His presence and glory. Without love you will surely fail. And the same love you give to the Lord you need to give to those around you. Remember, your neighbours aren't just your friends and family and people you are affectionate with. They are also those you are physically close to at any time and place. It doesn't mean you give the same affection towards all as to your family and friends. It means you treat them the same way you prefer to be treated.
"Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."
1 John 3:18
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God."
1 John 4:7
Secondly, too many believers are dependent and are interceding for a physical breakthrough in their lives without focusing on a spiritual breakthrough. And although there is nothing wrong with a need for a physical breakthrough, it should never receive precedence over your spiritual needs. The danger lies in its ability to move your focus away from what God’s perception of a true breakthrough is.
The Lord will always champion you achieve a breakthrough in your personal relationship with Him. A spiritual breakthrough in which you vest all your trust in Him through your willingness to remain obedient. Because this will overwhelm you with peace and joy defying human understanding. It is also imperative you comprehend that these spiritual breakthroughs open doors regarding the Lord's trust in you relating to your true intentions. In so far as you endeavour to make your heart look like His, likewise will your priorities and that which you perceive to be important also change. Mercifully aligning with His will and purpose for your life.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4
Thirdly, to what extent are you prepared to sacrifice? To what degree are you prepared to place your life and everything you hold dear, on the Lord's holy altar? To what lengths are you prepared to endure discomfort? What are the true reasons written on the landscape of your heart in serving the Lord? Are you prepared to pay a temporary price for eternal glory? Are you able to portray an admirable behaviour and attitude towards the kingdom of God regardless of your circumstances?
Most people are indeed determined until the hardships manifest. But is your security rooted in what you believe as a Christian, or in earthly comfort, prosperity and significance? Or do you blur the lines by finding a happy medium knowing fully well the Almighty do not compromise on devotion? In other words, do you try to bargain with His grace?
It is true your willingness to sacrifice does not guarantee suffering, but it means the Lord is able to find favour with the true intentions of your heart. Remember, an unrepentant heart can never submit to Christ. Can you find solace comprehending the sacrifice you may have to endure? Do you understand your testimony may be received with sheer unbelief and ungratefulness by the world? Irrespective of your humility, sincerity and faith.
"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
Matthew 16:25
The Importance Of The Word
Our Saviour assures through His Word, the Enemy's triumphs through his deceit will not last forever. In fact, the Bible confirms his defeat. The father of lies and deceit will be bound to suffer, like all the condemned, eternally as it is written. In the meantime believers need to stay focused on their Redeemer and determine for themself if they think it is has any meaning to declare that they follow Jesus if they do not liveis Word.
Is it possible to follow Christ if you do not know Him and how does one get to know Him without knowledge of His Word? Can you have overcoming faith without proper knowledge about that which you proclaim to believe in? How do you declare you are a follower of Christ without the fundamental transformation in your life being present for all to witness? Will the Spirit of God who indwells all true believers not strive to convict you of the absolute importance of a personal relationship with Him? And that such a relationship is not workable without committing to the Word in all earnestness? How do you commit if you do not have an urge to read and study the Word? Is it sufficient for a true follower of Christ to only hear the Word being preached by someone else every other Sunday? What are your true reasons for studying the Word of God other than to be taught, reproved, corrected and trained in righteousness as stated in 2 Timothy 3:16?
"So faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."
Romans 10:17
The Road Ahead
Your inner peace and joy cannot depend on earthly comforts and trust in the world. It needs to be anchored in the One who keeps His promises through unfathomable love for you. And by grace you will receive the means from the one and only Faithful God to persevere. Know that Christ has an indescribable passion to see His elect grow in sanctification through grace and guidance by His Spirit. His goodness knows no bounds because His godliness has no end.
With sincere gratitude, embrace the undeserved opportunity to remain shielded from eternal suffering by living His terms and conditions in the present and persist to qualify for His heavenly rewards by making your best effort to fulfill His plans and purposes with this life. Because eternal rewards paid for with a temporary price, redefines the meaning of the word “fair”.
"For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done."
Matthew 16:27
The fact that you proclaim to be a Christian does not mean you are walking in a heavenly direction. Because as George Whitefield said, to have Christ in your head does not mean you have Him in your heart. True converts are not tied to and enamored by the world. With the same faith as little children they are able to leave the world behind in favour of undivided trust in their only Provider. They can bear their Saviours cross because they know that trials and tests validates their faith. And they know their sincerity in serving their Redeemer is refined by His fire. Trials and tribulations are not proof that the Lord has forsaken you, rather it is proof of God's grace since the Lord lovingly disciplines the ones close to His heart. After all, every single trial, tribulation and affliction is for the believers own good in the end.
May every true follower of Christ listen to His voice urging all to embrace and surpass all expectations concerning their individual callings. And may they become conscious of their predetermined positions in relation to the Lord's plans and purposes by remaining in His Word.
In closing, the following words is a somewhat different take from the text in Mark 8:34-38 and is a vivid reminder that the sacrifice required is as real as it gets:
“Then Jesus turned to the crowd that had been following Him and said, if you intend to go the same way I’m going (the way to the Father), you’ll have to let go of your own self-interests and submit your life completely to God. You’ll have to embrace suffering, because that’s how the Father perfects His children. And, you’ll have to continually follow me. I’ll have to show you the way. You can never find it on your own. Think it over carefully. The choice is yours. You can live this life any way you choose and miss out on the life that is to come. Or, you can willingly miss out on whatever this life has to offer, so you can enjoy what the Father has for you in the life that is to come. What’s the sense in trying to have everything now, if you’re going to lose it for all eternity? Besides, the temporary things of this world could never be compared to the eternal things the Father has. And if you’re disappointed now, because all your friends are living the good life in the world, just try to imagine how disappointed you’re going to be when I return in the glory of My Father with the Holy angels and you realize you made the wrong choice.”