Discerning Pure Praise & Worship
What is the purpose of praise and worship and how should believers conduct themselves?
"One thing I learned going through a storm and that is, you can praise God in the dark! If God makes light to shine out of darkness, well bless God, I can call forth light into my situation. I am the light of God. Praising Him is not determined by day or night. In whatever state, I find myself in, I will continue to acknowledge Him. Then and only then, He will direct my path."
- Shelena Griffith
The only way to praise and worship Almighty God in a way producing a victorious outcome, is in spirit, through immovable trust. By becoming so conscious of Christ, you are able to walk by faith and not by sight. But in order for you to reach a level of spiritual maturity where you experience the Lord with your whole heart and also comprehend what this entails, you have to understand the meaning and nature of praise and worship. Your praise and worship need to point you towards your Creator, because enduring praise and worship ensures nothing dethrones Christ in your life.
"Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvellous works among all the peoples! For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and He is to be feared above all the gods. For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendour and majesty are before Him; strength and joy are in His place. Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength! Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering and come before Him! Worship the Lord in the splendour of holiness; tremble before Him, all the earth; yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved. Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, The Lord reigns!"
1 Chronicles 16:23-31
The Lord created man for praise and worship and the heavenly hosts derive indescribable joy from your heartfelt praise and worship when it is delivered from the heart. It is an instinctive and basic need for every person; besides also being a command, clear from Matthew 4:10. However, not everyone is able to praise and worship with the same determination and dedication in their everyday lives. Let alone during times of trial, tribulation, and hardship.
There is a state of mind where you worship half-halfheartedly due to a lack of faith and it will cause your flesh to dictate your overall behaviour. And in this emotional duress you lose sight that your mind needs to be renewed in Christ continually to enable you to overcome. Although it seems far easier to praise and worship during times of abundance and prosperity, the carnal comforts you are exposed to may influence the honesty behind your perceived gratitude. If you want to know how sincere your gratitude is, you first need to establish to what extent you will sacrifice your earthly comforts. This is the faith, trust, and obedience which glorifies the Lord because it is not dependent on the extent of your material prosperity. And if a "blessing" in the form of prosperity, for example, dethrones Christ as the number one in your life, then such a "blessing" should more aptly be called, a curse.
To praise and worship God in the way, He desires you must engage in and develop a personal relationship through faith in Jesus Christ. And by pursuing this relationship the seeds will be planted enabling you to praise and worship the Lord with every thought and deed. True praise and worship is a way of life and forms the heartbeat of your relationship with the Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit alone are worthy of all your devoted praise and worship.
To submit to this certainty will lead to the fulfilment of all your deepest spiritual needs. And the sincerer your spiritual walk with the Lord, the more the fulfilment of these needs will suffice beyond all material desires. It is a reality that many believers praise and worship the Lord as a token of their appreciation for the Lord maintaining their circumstances. There is nothing wrong with showing gratitude. But if your motivation is from a place where you fear the absence of material blessings if you do not praise and worship, there is a definite problem.
Your heart should never testify of your need to worship Christ for what He is able to do for you. Rather, it should testify of your need to worship Him based purely on what He did for you on the cross. Because true devotion is never motivated by what you have to gain materially. It is authenticated by what you are willing to lose.
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."
2 Corinthians 9:8
When Jesus refers to an abundant life in John 10:10, He is not referring to the realisation of all your desires and earthly prosperity. He is referring to the reality that once His children understand the completeness of His work on the cross, they will lack in nothing. Because they will experience spiritual abundance. When you experience the need in the form of a persistent longing combined with the spiritual maturity to praise and worship the Lord under any circumstance, it reflects your utmost trust, confidence, and undying love for God. Not only as the Almighty Creator of the heavens and earth, but as the faithful Saviour who always keeps His word, and never forsakes His faithful children.
This is the reason the heavens rejoice in jubilation when you walk by faith and acknowledge Him as your Saviour through genuine praise and worship. Because the acts by which you give glory to God, diminishes any influence the powers of darkness may try to yield over believers through various temptations, lies and deceptions. Not only will these actions fill the Father’s heart with joy, but also your own. Irrespective of your earthly circumstances.
It is vital to remember the Lord cares for His creation and as a Loving Father rejoices in you as His child. You are created in His image and that is why you need to take comfort in knowing your ability to praise and worship is given by the Lord. Just like faith, it is a gift.
"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing."
Zephaniah 3:17
The measure by which you determine if your praise and worship is truthful is whether you are able to do so separated from any carnal conditions. Also when the state of affairs in your life become irrelevant pertaining to your capacity to engage in praising and worshiping the Lord in all sincerity. It is so much more than just the singing of songs in church. It is a need to exalt the Lord and submit to His will, reflecting the true condition of your heart.
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
John 4:23-24
The definition of the word praise as a verb, is to express warm approval or admiration of, or to express one's respect and gratitude towards a deity, especially in song. As a noun the word expresses approval, admiration for someone or something and it is the expression of respect and gratitude as an act of worship. It is the act of celebrating.
“Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name.”
Hebrews 13:15
Although you are to praise God for what He has done for you, He does not just want you to silently praise Him in your heart. You should also praise out loud. Making real sounds containing real words. God inhabits the atmosphere of praise and transforms the spiritual environment and praising God leads to a life which is complete, essential, and worthwhile. By praising God, you acknowledge His greatness, goodness, power, and presence in your life and because this act also strengthens your faith, the Almighty can move on your behalf as He delights in your praises.
By being obedient and giving adoration to the Creator, you come to understand God in a deeper way as you affirm His excellence. Therefore, the Lord must be praised based on your gratitude concerning your eternal position and not just for what He does in this life. Praise originates in the heart that is full of love for God. Isaiah 43:21 explains you were created to praise God, and this statement is confirmed in Hebrews 13:15. It is expressed through your actions and in your thoughts and can be done through songs, poems, prayer, and declarations to others. As long as there is a genuine need to engage in praise regularly.
“Upon you I have leaned from before my birth, You are he who took me from my mother's womb. My praise is continually of You."
Psalm 71:6
The standard King David sets in 1 Chronicles 29:10-19 is a great example of praise and an exemplar illustration. He had a pure and grateful heart towards God and he praised the Lord with all his might. His many Psalms reflect his passionate heart for praise and worship. So much so, the Lord referred to David as a man after His own heart. This was because he glorified God in his heart. Therefore, if as a new believer you are unsure how to praise the Lord, begin by reading Psalms aloud. And even though Hebrew poetry focusses on context rather than sound, read it aloud as it does lose some conviction in silence. However, one has to believe and trust the words that are uttered.
In Hebrew the book of Psalms is called "Tenillim" which means "songs of praise". This is a very appropriate word since the word "Jew" comes from the word "Judah", meaning "praise". Also, the word "psalm" meaning "to pluck" is wonderfully descriptive since it refers to the stringed instruments used to accompany the singing of Psalms. They are timeless and because of their universal appeal, all believers should be using them in their praises to the Lord.
They wonderfully cover the entire range of human emotions. From anger, frustration, jealousy, despair, fear, and envy on the negative side, through to positive emotions like joy, excitement, hope and peace. Psalms appeal to your human nature on all levels and they encourage you to magnify Almighty God. However, you should be very watchful not to allow your feelings and emotions to dictate the nature of your praise. A pure and faithful heart gives birth to true praise which deceptive human emotions and feelings may corrupt.
"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!"
Psalm 100:1-2
Music as Praise
Praise is much more than just the singing of songs. Given the global popularity of Contemporary Christian Music it is worthwhile to have a quick glance at music and songs from a biblical perspective. Considering this, it is interesting to note that Christianity is the only religion in the world using singing as a form of worship. But keep in mind that nowhere in Scripture is music used as an evangelistic technique. From Scripture, especially the Psalms, it is clear the Lord welcomes your praises in the form of singing and the accompaniment of musical instruments. You also know songs must be very important to the Lord as He instructs Moses to write a song way back in Deuteronomy 31:19. This song serves as a witness to the Israelites future backsliding and apostasy and the lyrics can be read in Deuteronomy 32:1-43.
In many churches over the past centuries, infected by a religious legalism, praises through song evolved into mere morbid traditions and habits. And many times it deprived believers of the passionate zeal required to praise the Lord. Somehow, someone, somewhere decided certain unscriptural rules and regulations pertaining to praising God needed to apply. It is my humble conviction much joy in praising God was taken away. Surely, Psalms such as Psalm 149 and 150 is irrefutable proof the Lord never intended for your praise and worship to be a solemn affair! Lamentably, many believe holiness equals sombreness, whereas the following Psalm is anything but sombre:
“Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens! Praise Him for His mighty deeds; praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise Him with lute and harp! Praise Him with tambourine and dance; praise Him strings and pipe! Praise Him with sounding symbols; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"
Psalm 150
Through fanaticism and legalism, religious leaders were convinced a Holy God needed to be praised and worshiped in a sedated and sombre manner. They believed they were being compliant to their idea of holiness but unfortunately not God's. Regrettably the heart and joy of true praise and worship faded to some extent in some denominations.
This is not to say there aren’t any sound biblical practices believers need to abide by when they praise and worship a Holy God. It is to say when you apply unscriptural rules and regulations in praising God, you are in danger of alienating yourself from taking part in a loving and active relationship with the Father. Religion in itself may distance you from having an intimate relationship with Christ and subsequently may cause your praises to become a mere ritual instead of a heartfelt devotion.
Fortunately, there is an ever-present and enduring Holy Spirit who convicts believers of the Lord’s will and ways and opens our spiritual eyes to the wonder of His Word. And that is why it is important to heed to the revealed Word of God through guidance by the Holy Spirit and not man’s perception. Any man can be deceived without the indwelling Holy Spirit beccause knowledge of the Word and being a religious leader is no qualification for the presence of the Spirit.
Unfortunately, these conservative and somewhat sullen traditions also lead to an underlying frustration in many believers. And this frustration and longing for something more, likely led to the development of Christian Contemporary Music as it is known today. Many will reject this opinion and feel more comfortable blaming Christian music for a willingness to be influenced by secular music. And although whether this music is Holy Spirit-inspired, remains a debated topic. It is not my aim to condemn or judge this style of music, or any other.
Nonetheless, I would like to point out a few important matters relating to music I feel one should always keep in mind. Where legalism introduced a formal and regulated form of praise in some churches, there is a casual manner looming in many churches today in which praise and worship is approached. A way which seem to reduce the holiness of God through licence. Sadly, there are numerous examples where believers went from one extreme to the other.
Secular music will always reflect the attitude of society. This means music will always expose the level of corruption within. But the music converted congregants listen to, do not determine the culture. Rather, it displays all the various elements of God’s nature, which is love, truth and holiness. With this being said, Contemporary Christian Music should not be judged in its entirety. Rather, the inspiration for songs and the relevant artists need to be tested individually. For if you buckle under generalisation, you not only risk becoming legalistic and judgmental, but you may also be eliminating something good by trying to get rid of something bad.
On the other hand, accepting everything as Holy Spirt-inspired without seeking God’s heart on the matter will expose you to licence. This is where you believe God’s grace excuses or excepts any performance. Believers will be wise to remember that God does not change. He is the same today as He was since the dawn of time and will always remain so.
“Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ephesians 5:19-20
Music is not worship. Worship is worship. But through music you express your worship. It is a gift from God allowing you to express emotion. For believers it is also a way expressing your gratitude for what Christ has done. The relevance of the music should never be elevated beyond the significance of the Word and it is necessary to know praise do not always involve singing.
This means you do not base your support on a church by the veracity of their singing, but on the sound doctrine which emanates from their interpretation of the Word of God. The music should always enhance the message in the Word of God. Needless to say, many times the music dominates the message.
The music should emphasise the relevant teaching and never become more prominent than the message itself. Therefore, I believe it is important to ask, and be able to answer the following questions pertaining to Christian Contemporary Music:
1. Is the music subjected to vain repetitions by which the emotional state is revealed?
2. Is it even possible the Lord can be glorified through vain and hollow repetitions?
3. Is your heart moved by the power in the truth of the words of the songs sung, or are your emotions stirred up by the beat of the music and the band playing?
4. Do the words of the songs contain biblical integrity and does it foster a godly reverence and holiness?
5. Is the singing of the songs portrayed or conducted in an orderly fashion?
6. Is the music worshiping the Lord performed respectably?
7. Is self-control maintained, or do worshipers portray ecstatically induced experiences?
8. What is the true intent of your heart? Are you there to praise and worship the Lord, or are you just taking part in a popular event and supporting your favourite gospel performers?
9. Would Christ approve of everyone’s behaviour, and the material presented?
10. Do you discern the presence of unfeigned holiness?
11. Since Audio Visual Technology may alter the state of consciousness through hypnotic induction, to what extent is it present?
12. Why is Audio Visual Technology even used other than to entice the worshiper through visual stimulation?
13. Does the music conform to the world, or do the world conform to the music?
14. Do you sense the Lord being glorified through the music and the words?
15. What is receiving more prominence, the music or the message?
David played a harp to sooth King Saul as he was tormented by the evil spirits. And even though he practised his gift, it is probable he played secular music. I believe the Bible allows for other uses of music other than worshiping God. As long as you do not love the things of the world more than the things of the Lord. Listening and enjoying a secular song with sound moral values does not mean you are expressing a love of the world in favour of the things of the Lord.
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
1 John 2:15
I disagree with the conviction that all secular music is wrong or ungodly. Many of the artists performing are talented and are at least applying their talents. If the secular music adheres to the guidelines as set out in Philippians 4:8, there can be no harm in enjoying it to your hearts content. Providing you maintain a balance. With this being said, the best music is still the music which glorifies God outright.
The problem with most secular music performers and even gospel performers are that they engage in the performance for all the wrong reasons. Fame and fortune is unfortunately many times the standard motivating them to achieve worldly significance. But sadly, this temptation also pollutes many preachers and pastors.
"For they loved the glory that comes from a man more than the glory that comes from God."
John 12:43
The proponents of the old traditional songs of praise, often reject Christian Contemporary Music. They say it conforms to the world and is not set apart. However, you need to ask yourself how the gospel music could have differed from the secular music in for example King David and Martin Luther's day. It is my belief lyrics sets the music apart and defines its purpose and to a lesser extent the rhythm and instruments used. By this I am not saying all sounds are holy but that everything should be discerned and judged respectively. Nowhere in Scripture is any musical instrument declared to be unholy and nowhere is any form of song condemned. There is ample freedom in praising and worshiping the Lord and you will be foolish to limit yourself through stubborn ignorance and a false sense of holiness.
A simple definition of worship is to regard with great devotion or to honour as a divine being. Worship expresses your love, devotion, and awe for the Lord who gave you much more than you deserved. Through worship you also show your respect and adoration for an Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent God. You worship God for who He is and although worship is an act of doing something, its sheer depth does not limit it to this aspect. True worship is a constant state of being and an attitude of reverence. To be immersed in God’s Word, creates an atmosphere of worship. True Christians are set apart from the world in their worship because God reveals Himself to them through grace, and they submit.
“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!”
Psalm 95:6
Worship changes you to conform to whatever you worship. If you worship God, you become godly and if you worship worldly things, you will become entangled in the world. It is imperative you worship from a pure heart, which is accomplished once your heart is renewed and your attitude occupies the right place. Your attitude is determined by your mind and that is why it needs to be renewed constantly.
A renewed mind conforms to Christ and conforming to Christ is your main objective on the road to sanctification. Because sacrificing self is a requirement to be able to conform to Christ. Worshiping with the expectation of receiving something in return will nullify the effort. You worship God for what He has already done with regards to your eternal salvation and not because He might be able to fulfill some fleshly desire. Worship is drawing near to God and because He is present, there should be a tangible holiness in the atmosphere. And it is based on an immovable conviction, not an emotional feeling.
An attitude of worship can be developed by deepening your level of intimacy with God. But to strengthen this relationship you need to spend time together. By reading and meditating on His Word and remaining patient. This will take both time and effort. Yet, you will only be able to worship in truth if you are regenerated, justified and filled with the Holy Spirit and embrace the journey to sanctification. Also, you need to allow the Holy Spirit to convict you of any underlying sins and transgressions before you worship, so the purified heart you receive through repentance, better prepares you.
When your worship is subject to your self-centered emotions through some form of entertainment, you must know you have gone astray. Because, when you judge the effectiveness of your worship by the feelings you encounter, you know deception has already crept in unnoticed. Remember, true worship is an outpouring of the soul in absolute devotion and thanksgiving to the Lord through an obedient heart. It is really as straightforward as that.
You need to know God. True worship is the heartfelt acknowledgement of Him and all His power and glory in the things you do. It enables you to show your enduring loyalty and admiration for your Heavenly Father. But you must worship the Lord according to His preferences and not yours. It should never be about what makes you happy and comfortable but what makes God jubilant. True worship is about God and not about you. And engaging in true worship will always seek to impress on the Lord and not the worshiper.
Prayer as a form of Worship
Although I discuss the nature of prayer in depth in another blog post entitled “The Principles of Prayer”, I want to just touch on prayer in this post as it is the highest form of worship a believer can take part in.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-17
Not only are you commanded in the Word to pray, but the Lord acts through the prayers of His righteous children. Prayer is your lifeline and your communication with God and therefore it is also a gift of grace. During prayer you do as the Holy Spirit guides and you do not relent to the desires of the flesh by focusing on secular things.
Prayer is not a personal or creative force through which you attain your desires. True believers know you cannot speak material things into existence through words of faith. God will never grant you the things you lust after, so after having attained these lusts, know it is not from God. The Lord will not be manipulated by your prayers and cannot be activated to act on your desires. You need to always remember you are at His mercy. He is not at yours. Regarding the false doctrine of the prosperity gospel, it is interesting to note there are no pagan religions in the world teaching that you can get what you want from a particular god being worshiped. The prosperity gospel is the only religious doctrine teaching this fallacy.
When Jesus declares in John 14:13-14 whatsoever you shall ask in His name, you shall receive it, he is not referring to self-enrichment or desires. You need to ask according to the will of your Heavenly Father. Not yours. Your prayers should not focus on what you want, but rather, what the Lord wants. It is all about your intent and motives to which an Omniscient God is always privy. Because the ultimate purpose in prayer should be to bring honour and glory to God and not focus on yourself or your circumstances. True and honest prayer is always about God and not about the self and never seeks to advance self.
"And this is the confidence we have toward Him, that we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."
1 John 5:14
Also, true and honest prayer never seeks to gain recognition from the world. When delivered in public it should be plain, direct and to the point. The longer prayers are the personal ones where you pour out your heart to your Loving Father and they are the ones conducted in privacy. The temptation to impress the world will always linger and the seduction to relent, happens in an instant.
"And when you pray you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for their many words."
Matthew 6:5-7
James 4:3 declares you will not receive when asking with wrong motives. Wrong motives surface when your own desires receive prominence before the will of God. Even when you strive to realise your desires through positive confession, you essentially succumb to the snare of befriending the world. This situation will in due time lead to a hostility towards God, because friendship with the world always leads to enmity with God.
Prayer is unpretentious and uncomplicated. It acknowledges His sovereign will, considering your utter dependence on Him. The foremost reason why it seems to Christians that their prayers are going unanswered is because they are praying according to their own wills and not according to the will of the Father.
Prayer praising God is the purest form of personal worship. You might fool yourself and the world with your pretentious elaborateness and false humility, but the Lord sees through it all. Thus, whatever prayer advances and glorifies the Lord is true prayer and when you pray knowing the will of God is supreme, you are worshiping in prayer. Through your prayers you should also confirm your belief that everything happens because it is purposed and planned by God.
Believers recognising their own weaknesses and sinfulness and who grasp God's omnipotence and holiness, bring praise to His name in prayer. This is when the Lord is worshiped. In a world where your significance and purpose is determined and judged by what you do for a living and your nett worth, it can become difficult to master the art of unshakable faith. But such also is the true nature of praise and worship. It should never depend on the material affluence in your earthly life. It should be determined to the extent you believe and are grateful an unseen God has given you an undeserved expectation at eternal life because of His immeasurable love.
“And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, ‘To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be a blessing and honour and glory and might forever and ever!’”
Revelation 5:13
Above all, ardent praise and worship dedicated to the Lord, will bring about a peace and contentment defying human understanding. And when the time comes for the Lord’s return, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Christ is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Those who are saved by grace as well as those who are eternally lost.
"My Father, my God, I peacefully submerge in Your fountain of life
and rejoice in the peace of Your presence destroying all strife.
I praise and worship the name of the Creator of love and eternal joy,
whilst continually labouring for this burning desire, everywhere to deploy.
My Father, my God, I am at an eternal loss without Your guidance continualy leading me beyond the snares of temptation and defiance.
I stand steadily assured in the Source of all my overflowing content,
becoming teary, realising how undeservedly You prevented my descent.
My Father, my God, I am overcome with gratitude for the Source is free;
looking upon in awe at Your countenance, caringly displaying the key.
May the heavenly realm affirm my love and affection for the Trinity,
so my devotion can radiate throughout the earthly realm, into infinity."