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Believe (Poem)

Father God, bowing in the presence of Your countenance,

Your fingerprints throughout life become our sustenance.

We're undeserved of the grace from the Replenisher of spirits,

and in awe at the Keeper of hearts, providing without limits.

Accepting the Commission so the flames of gifts be fanned;

and the tempting ways of the world from believers, banned.

Therefore, we're compelled to reach a backslidden race,

by holding fast to the promise of His eternal embrace.

To live so the lost may see the Saviour in me;

for what is the meaning of life without this plea?

And while battling to comprehend His plans in life

we patiently trust in His purposes without strife.

For we yearn to be called by God: faithful servant,

and thus find eternal favour in One who is fervent.

He gently guides the saved away from their past,

and multitudes of slaves to self is overcome at last.

And as servants seize the opportunities He ordained,

fearlessly forward, so He be glorified, unrestrained.

Therefore, wherever you are and whatever you do;

engage with a pure heart and resist exalting you.

Refuse to reduce faith in Christ to a wonder and a sign,

for conviction in His omniscience to blindingly shine.

And every time you obey the Word of the Lord,

desperation grinding against hope, sharpens your sword.

That a sinful soul could be deserved of such grace and love;

compels me to tears, as mercy descends like a dove.

Believe in the Sovereign Father and Almighty God, unflawed.

Believe in Jesus, the Messiah, worthy of ceaseless applaud.

Believe in the Holy Spirit and His refining fire.

Believe the Selfless was crucified, a sacrifice to admire.

Believe the once hopelessly lost are justified.

and believe they are now called His bride.

Believe in the expectation of His eternal peace

and filled with hope, know His love will never cease.

Father God, holy is Your name throughout the entire expanse;

as the victory of the risen King gives sinners a chance.


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