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A Mind At War

What is the true nature of spiritual warfare and how does a believer engage?

“It costs something to be a real Christian according to the standard of the Bible. There are enemies to be overcome, battles to be fought, sacrifices to be made, an Egypt to be forsaken, a wilderness to be passed through, a cross to be carried, a race to be run. Conversion is not putting a person in an arm-chair and taking them easily to heaven. It is the beginning of a mighty conflict, in which it costs much to win the victory.”

- John Charles Ryle

The Nature Of The Warfare

Spiritual warfare is a conflict waging in the spiritual realm of which the outcome manifests in the natural. And whether or not you believe in the spiritual realm does not make it anymore real. From Ephesians 6:12 you can see your battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the “principalities of darkness” in the “heavenly places”. Therefore, never limit your view to the natural. It is a battle which commences the day you surrender to Christ and will continue until eternity calls. And although Scripture declares that no weapon formed against you will prosper, Scripture does not say the weapons won’t form at all.

The war is between God’s truth and the enemy’s lies and is fought between angels and demons, the righteous and the unrighteous. The unjustified are not affected by the battle since they have no spiritual life to begin with and victory hides in knowing the battle is not yours but the Lord’s. This means you do not win the fight in your own power, strength and mere positivity but because you trust Jesus Christ to fight on your behalf.

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to remain silent.”

Exodus 14:14

The Purpose Of Spiritual Warfare

You can only experience God’s abounding mercy and grace in the struggle if you hand the battle to him. And the reward is an indescribable fullness and joy in Christ. It is the power and assurance you can overcome any affliction through Christ who strengthens you. And although the Lord does not expect you to enjoy trials and tribulations, He expects you to persevere and endure by putting your faith and trust in Him. Stay content, praise Him in the storm and believe all things work out for good to those who love him.

Engaging adversity through the unshakeable conviction of the truth, strengthens your relationship with the Lord. And this is the Lord’s purpose for allowing the oppression in spiritual warfare, so you may reach fullness in Christ by overcoming the world.

Because if you are not prepared and willing to embrace the kingdom of God with both feet firmly in the Word in this life, how can you expect to be allowed entry into His eternal presence in the eternal life to come? And how will you learn to die to self and take up your cross daily without ever engaging in spiritual warfare to prepare and equip you?

In His innocence He was tortured and crucified for you. What are you willing to sacrifice for him? With that being said, the parables of the tower and the warring king in Luke 14:28-33 delivers a specific cautioning to all to make sure and count the cost in becoming disciples of Christ. But although the sacrifice may at times seem severe, the outcome always exceeds the expectation.

“For I consider that the present sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

Romans 8:18

Satan's Strategy

The battle wages because the Enemy is doing everything in his power to prevent Christians from spiritually maturing. But, as mentioned before, you resist the onslaught through faith and trust in Christ. Satan wants to diminish the work of God by blinding the believer so the process of sanctification is hindered or halted. By agreeing with the world the Enemy wants to deceive you into doing things contrary to the Word of God. He attacks because of his hatred of God and everything His kingdom represents, and the strategy applied are lies and deception.

He deceives people into rejecting the spiritual by focusing on the flesh. This way he ensures they seek worldly solutions. You see, the Enemy wants you to reach out to the world for help, because if he succeeds in you depending on the world and not the Lord, he causes your faith to fail. He knows if your trust is in the world, you will be overcome and overwhelmed. Also, from Matthew 26:41 and Galatians 5:16-17 you can see that this battle against the flesh is ongoing because the battle between your will and the will of the Lord is continuous.

“Thus says the Lord: ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert and shall not see any good come.’”

Jeremiah 17:5-6

The Enemy's Authority

Spiritual warfare is a regular reality on the narrow road mentioned in Matthew 7:13-14 but you can find comfort in knowing the Lord reveals His plans for your life through these battles. There is indeed a higher purpose and your tribulations are a sign you are on the right track. Eternal anguish awaits those who experience perpetual comfort in this life through easy - Christianity. Remember, even though the enemy intensifies his onslaught against those who love the truth, Christ’s sacrifice on the cross gives you the means to overcome. And although the Lord will allow Satan to deceive and delude those who reject the truth, so they may realise their need for the Saviour, He always delivers those who love and seek the truth.

Rest in the words of Matthew 28:18 declaring that Jesus has all the authority in heaven and earth. He conquered death, it is done. The enemy only yields power to the extent that God allows. Satan and his dominions can’t do a thing unto a believer which the Lord does not allow, and the book of Job is explicitly clear on this matter. The Lord’s sovereignty surpasses even your free will.

"He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in Him."

Colossians 2:15

The “heavenly places” or spiritual realm is the domain of both the angelic beings and the demonic forces. And the prayers of the righteous and faithful enables the heavenly host to engage in your battle from the spiritual realm in your mind to where you gain a victory tangible in the natural realm. The victory is not achieved by you conquering Satan, but by putting your faith and trust in Christ who conquered the Adversary. And as a believer you need to find peace and acceptance knowing God allows Satan to afflict His children so they may conform to Christ.

The sovereignty of God is not surpassed or influenced by any legal right from Satan. Job wasn’t afflicted because Satan had a legal right over him. The Almighty allowed his oppression because the Lord knew he would achieve fullness through his affliction. The Lord measures your significance on who and what you believe whereas the world on who and what you are. When you turn to Christ your sins are forgiven, past, present and future and no principality of darkness has any legal right over you. There may be reaping for the sins you commit, and you will need to repent of sins to restore your relationship with God but don’t think the enemy has any authority regarding reborn believers which the Lord does not specifically allow.

“For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it? His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back?

Isaiah 14:27

The Authority of Jesus and the Believer

All things, even the spiritual realm, are under the authority of Jesus Christ and by being in a faithful relationship with Him, you have the assurance of the Lord's grace and that no evil can cause you any harm outside God's will. Because believers believe the death and resurrection of Christ provides them with the strength and perseverance to overcome the powers of darkness.

The authority of every believer comes from the Word of God and is an authority of total dependence on Him. Stand in immovable faith and obedience, apply Scripture as the Lord intended, and your victory will be sure. Remain steadfast but also advance by gaining spiritual territory in the landscape of your mind and achieve this by submitting to the whole Word of God and the sound counsel that is provided.

“But he answered, ‘It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Matthew 4:4

Be a conqueror by giving your battle to the One who defeated the Enemy and do not become an ignorant casualty. If you are a Christian, the question is not whether you will be involved in spiritual warfare but rather how you will engage in the battle. It is not just about believing there is a battle but also knowing how to conduct yourself. And this is to recognise and use the weapons of warfare as described in Ephesians 6 in obedience and in faith.

Because the Word is your defence as well as your offence. Triumph and victory are subject to continuous faith from which you will receive sufficient grace to stay obedient. And remember, reciting Scripture during an attack is useless if you do not believe and live the words, just as reading the Bible is an empty exercise if you do not receive guidance and inspiration from the Holy Spirit.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12

What is the battle about?

Spiritual warfare is a fight for the truth. That is why through defective or impaired knowledge the enemy may entice you to spend more time engaging him personally than remaining in the Lord's presence. Christians tend to forget spiritual warfare is a battle on how they think. It is a battle of the mind aimed at affecting your emotions and convictions. This means determining your victory in spiritual warfare is done through the depth of your personal relationship with the Saviour and not your knowledge of Satan and his demonic forces. The struggle is in the mind because the believer is the battlefield. Suffer under no illusion that Satan and his dominions do not fear the ignorant engaging them in the spiritual realm where he roams about like a roaring lion looking for easy prey to devour. After all, they have been engaging arrogant "believers" since the dawn of time.

"Or what fellowship have light with darkness?"

2 Corinthians 6:14b

False Beliefs and Teachings

A powerful and abounding strategy the enemy uses in spiritual warfare are establishing false religious systems and teachings. These false doctrines are effective because believers have limited knowledge on the Word of God and because man influences what they believe their knowledge is not solely based on the Word of God. The Holy Spirit does not misinterpret Scripture, man does.

The Spirit convicts you of the infallibility and all-sufficiency of God’s Word so you may endure. But just as the religious leaders attributed the works of the Holy Spirit to Satan in Matthew 12:24, the opposite is true today. The deceived are attributing the works of Satan to the Holy Spirit. In this ignorance a common misconception has infiltrated the mindsets of many believers, insomuch as they believe the Adversary need to be engaged personally and directly. Not only to ensure victory during attacks but to receive physical and spiritual breakthroughs. But these beliefs are unbiblical and suggests an insufficient Word of God. A Word which lacks in power and authority and it suggests an authority unto man which only Jesus Christ have.

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”

2 Timothy 2:15

By misinterpreting Scripture, the false belief exists that believers have the authority to engage Satan directly. Whenever religious movements base their theological doctrines and beliefs on extra-biblical revelations and misinterpreted Scriptures, non-biblical practices will evolve. And even though false practices do not necessarily constitute ungodliness, involvement in non-biblical practices leave spiritual doors wide open for the Enemy to enter through.

Interestingly, the beliefs and practices in the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements such as speaking in tongues, new revelations, prophecies, spirit baptism and divine healing only became popular for the first time at the start of this movement. Since Christ was risen these practices remained largely unknown for around 1800 years. At least until the “angel of light” revealed and exposed the deceived to extra-biblical knowledge and revelations. From this it seems new theological doctrines were created based on feelings, emotional experiences and single verses from Scripture. Yet, faith is an unshakeable conviction, not a feeling.

True followers are convicted by the Spirit through Scripture not to manipulate the words for their own misled purposes. In biblical times, Timothy was specifically tasked by the apostle Paul to admonish the false teachers and doctrines in the church at Ephesus. These days false doctrines and teachers are still in the church but a fear of confrontation, a fear of being unpopular and a misguided ecumenical patience endures everything in a so-called love for Christ. It is a sorry excuse for not having the backbone to expose the deceivers as Scripture commands in Ephesians 5.

Those who discern the truth are not called to judge the deceived, nor ridicule them or excommunicate them, but to expose them to the truth in the Word. Thankfully, the words spoken by Christ in Matthew 16:18 promises the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church.

“They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.”

Titus 1:16

Spiritual warfare executed contrary to Scripture by extra-biblical knowledge and revelations poses the danger of exposing one to spiritual information God did not reveal through His Word. And by displaying a need to engage in this warfare, you inadvertently deny that Christ’s deliverance is complete. Reject extra-biblical revelations which cannot be verified by Scripture and seek and accept guidance from the Holy Spirit pertaining to your personal journey in the Word of God. Know you can hold onto the assurance of your salvation and no force of evil can stand up to that promise. The closer you move to God, the holier you will want to live, and the holier you live, the more you will conform your mind to Christ which makes resisting Satan all the more attainable.

“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'”

1 Peter 1:14-16

Hidden Knowledge

From Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and 29:29, you see the Lord forbids access to hidden knowledge because it misleads and deceives. So when your actions are contrary to the Word of God you could be partnering with the Adversary without even being aware. As an example, practices in the Charismatic movement illustrate how the lines between prophecy and divination have already been blurred.

Divination's are purposeful acts foretelling the future or revealing hidden knowledge. Prophecy is how God delivers specific messages in a specific time by revealing His will to chosen people like the apostles and the prophets in biblical times. Nowadays, there are many Charismatic's who claim to be prophet's with divine revelation, deceiving multitudes by stirring feelings and emotions. These "self-appointed prophets" seem oblivious that all your wisdom is found in Christ since only His Word is infallible and unchanging. The Lord has good reason not to reveal the things hidden. It is to protect His children from a deceptive realm they cannot begin to fathom. A sovereign and omniscient God did not forget to include certain messages in the Word, neither did he decide to only add them later.

“For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naïve.”

Romans 16:18

Rebuking Satan

In Jude 1:9 not even the archangel Michael rebuked Satan in his own power, but instead he replied: "The Lord rebuke you!". The Bible clearly states in this verse that "he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgement". Surely his unwillingness to rail against Satan by confronting him directly, should be irrevocable proof of the limits to your own conduct?

Always focus on the Lord and never on the enemy. For if you operate with the mentality and conviction you have the spiritual authority to bind Satan, deception is present. Satan is the master deceiver and have led multitudes of believers into thinking they have received revelations from God, when in reality, they received revelations from the "angel of light". This belief transpires when the Word of God is not enough and deceived or ignorant believers become convinced they need to dwell in a spiritual dimension in search of answers and solutions which already appear in the Bible. You can rebuke Satan and his works all you want, all day, every day, but if you do not persist in resisting the various temptations and the subsequent sin which transpires after you bow to the temptations, your rebuking will be in vain. The temptation, the oppression and the sin do not disappear because you rebuke Satan, it dissipates because you resist him through faith in Christ.

"For because He Himself has suffered when tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted."

Hebrews 2:18

Even in the example Jesus gave the disciples on how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13, engaging Satan directly, is not taught. The only places in Scripture where Satan is directly rebuked, is in Matthew 4:10, 16:23; Mark 8:33 and Luke 4:8 and every time the Lord Jesus rebukes, never man. God has given you His full armour to withstand the onslaught; it shouldn't ever be necessary for believers to even think of rebuking the enemy. As James 4:7 puts it, he flees when you resist him. Not when you rebuke him. And if any weakness in your armour becomes visible through words and deeds sown in your daily life because of human weakness and worldliness, His grace through your faith is sufficient. Give the battle to the Lord by praying in accordance and in harmony with the Word of God, renewing your mind and by trusting in His power and submitting to His will.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2

Binding and Loosing

It is my belief that much of the confusion and deception concerning spiritual warfare can be attributed to the misinterpretation of Matthew 16:18-19 and 18:18 which pertains to binding and loosing. Misled believers think these verses give them the authority to bind Satan and his dominions. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth.

No indication is given in these verses that man has the authority to bind Satan. In fact, Satan and his dominions will go back and forth on the earth until an angel binds them as described in Revelation 20:1-3. Even the Lord’s chosen apostles who were given the power to cast out demons never attempted to bind Satan or any of his demons.

The true meaning behind these verses is that Jesus gave the apostles permission to act on God’s authority as His chosen representatives for His church. It means they were given the indisputable authority to forbid and to permit the things relevant to the spreading of the gospel. They now had the authority to declare what God had already decided in heaven and this meant every decision they made on the ministry of the gospel became binding unto the whole church because it was God’s will. Some people interpret the words in Matthew 12:29, where the "strong man" is bound, literally. But Jesus was using figure of speech to illustrate that Satan cannot cast out himself when the Pharisees accused him of casting out demons using the power of dark forces. And by misinterpreting Scripture the deception intensifies.

"So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Philippians 2:10-11

The knowledge referred to in Hosea 4:6 refers to faithfulness towards a gracious and merciful God and not knowledge about the kingdom of darkness. Yet many Christians are convinced they have the ability, let alone authority, to "deactivate" Satan and his dominions by binding him spiritually. The Lord rebukes Satan and not the believer. Because it is the Lord who fights on your behalf.

The story of the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19:13-17 is a harsh but compelling example of the consequences when you presume an authority you have not been given. There is so much needless emphasis today on engaging the enemy directly and not enough evidence of believers seeking the Lord with an earnestness. So when you engage the enemy directly what role do you expect the One to play who has already defeated him?

Satan’s kingdom is far worse affected by people turning away from sin, submitting to Christ and repenting, than people trying to bind him. In fact trying to bind him does not affect him at all. In futility the ignorant continue to engage in spiritual battles by engaging the enemy on his turf in the spiritual realm. This is what he wants. He wants you to spend more time in his territory, so he can masquerade as the “angel of light” and convince you he is the Holy Spirit who generously gives you the extra-biblical knowledge you need to overcome. Hardcore deception at its destructive best.

In Corinthians 10:5 you notice the strongholds God intended you to demolish by using His weaponry as discussed in Ephesians 6:11-18, are the mindsets of the world. Those who do not walk in the Spirit-led lifestyle, by being immersed in the Word of God, will either be deceived to pursue extra-biblical knowledge or will drift away from God by being overcome by the world. After having tried to overcome in their own power. And those who pursue extra-biblical knowledge will shamelessly claim to have gained "new revelations" other believers do not have. These false teachers and prophets will proclaim to have the ability to help others with this special "gift" but in reality they probably seek recognition and self-gratification. Their ignorance concerning the Word deceives them into believing it was their faith which made it possible for them to receive this hidden knowledge, and like lambs they are led to the slaughter while multitudes follow. The problem with extra-biblical knowledge is not just that the hidden information may be misleading, but that believers may become more reliant on the extra-biblical knowledge than on the Word of God.

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”

Galatians 6:7-8

The enemy fears the damage and destruction caused to his plans and strategies by ordinary sons and daughters of the Almighty who have the boldness to counter his lies and deception through their unwavering faith. These sons and daughters comprehend and understand that although the enemy advances through unrepented sin and transgression, these victories may be turned into defeats through sincere and repented prayer. The secret hides in the heart of every believer. What is your true intention? Remember, your true intention is information to which an omniscient God is always privy.

Stay impervious to Satan’s lies by enduring in a personal relationship with Christ and His Word. This is how you overcome the hardships and struggles every Christian must endure. And as you take up your cross daily with dignity and devotion, find peace and understanding in knowing hardships and suffering is the path to glory, also validating your faith. How glorious knowing you can achieve victory from a battle in which you do not have to fight? All that is required is to apply your faith and knowledge in the Word of God. Because His Word is more than enough.

"Spiritual warfare is not about naming territorial spirits, claiming the ground, or binding demons. It is all about the gospel. It is to live a gospel life, to preserve gospel unity and to proclaim gospel truth. It is to do this in the face of a hostile world, a deceptive enemy and our sinful natures. And it is to pray to a sovereign God for gospel opportunities. Advance comes through godliness, unity, proclamation and prayer.”

- Timothy Chester

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