Ruthless Circles (Poem)

The ridicule from the Circle;
ruthless as the fiercest revenge.
Selfish abandonment wounds
and in anguish I bitterly
For this overwhelming alienation
is from most familiar regard.
Agonizing the deception in this Circle,
who charge with fearful cries.
And aware of all the crooked fingers,
piously pointing at the scapegoat to
The Circle's attitude justified
by their own destructive discontent.
The Circle is fueled by their fears
and steadfast in the way of the world.
It is when faith is a mere formality
and grace gives tickets to their heaven
No self-sacrifice needed on the broad road
just me, myself and I to always idolize.
With my eyes on the Unfathomable
I plead receiving grace to let live.
And as the relentless pelting
from familiar faces deeply
their ignorant fleshly dependence,
mercifully draw me to my knees.
Then, at last, behold His liberating fire;
mercilessly separating the tares from the wheat.
And a multitude Circles staring in disbelief
as false fleshly convictions are laid
So His glory in splendour may shine
humbly, through this suffering servant.