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The Ignorant (Poem)

The ignorant are cushioned by comfort and are content,

and as the passing pursuit of worldly desires increase,

the Enemy skillfully intensifies a reluctance to repent.

Fools, who cloud their minds, as they reject sound teaching,

so the absence of godly convictions and retreating positions,

sees the Heavenly Host witness unholy influence, breaching.

And despite salvation from the depths of perpetual despair,

the unfaithful remain enchanted by the ways of the world;

resisting signs of coming judgment, with disdain in their stare.

Those signs serving to caution of the coming judgment day.

And as the lukewarm and cold ignore the persistent knocking;

a time is near when forever without His presence, they shall stay.

I hear the deafening cries of nature, begging for deliverance,

succumbing to the burdens of sin in her fallen state,

and left at the mercy and grace of the Omnipotent.

Even the skeleton of the tumbleweed, alone in this desolation,

bears ahead when empowered by the faintest gust of wind.

To remind the faithful, how everything relies on God's equation.

Yet, earth is refused renewal and remains defiled to the core,

and I struggle to make sense of this relentless deterioration.

Graciously, an unfailing faith helps me find the only Door.

And in anguish, to the Heavens I softly whine: “Where from?”

There is the promise persisters will spend eternity with their Maker,

but many are tricked and deceived unto the broad and wide way,

only to remain blinded by the god of this world and Faith-breaker.

And the worldly become polluted, accepting lies and deceptions;

and hopelessly ensnared by beliefs which bind them in the dark,

by submitting to a counterfeit system through unsound perceptions.

So, for those whose soul, mind and spirit, desperately lost,

awaits agonizing ages in the forsaken misery of unending isolation.

With no winds to bring change and paying the ultimate cost.

To the Almighty and Merciful God I plead that it not be too late,

and the ignorant not be condemned to the shame in sheol.

Even though Christ patiently warned, this is the unbelievers fate.

May their hearts open and their souls be saved from the lake of fire,

destined for deserters, whose fleshly passions and pride,

make them lose sight of the one sacrifice they should admire.

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